
Congrats! You're one step closer.

We've Sent You An Email With The Following Instructions In Case You Close This Tab

PLEASE NOTE: We will ONLY consider applicants who follow the next steps in complete detail, and will not consider you for employment without 100% completion

Your next step is to do this: 

Email the following items to our HR department: cmoulton@midmainegenerator.com

- Current Place Of Work
- How Many Years Of Experience (Will hire with no experience if right fit)
- Valid Drivers License or ID
- Your Proficiency With Engines On A 1-10 Scale


- Current Resume or Related Work History & optionally, a cover letter

Please keep in mind, depending on your experience, this opportunity would allow you to be making one of the most competitive hourly rates in the state, as well as you will be a part of a company that avidly & regularly invests in its employees. 

We hire people for great pay, we KEEP them with great employee culture. 

We appreciate your interest in joining our company, and we will review applications promptly.